With many other Backlink Automation tools you need to write extra keyword rich content, spin it and submit it daily. Then you need to monitor it and keep track of all the content, URL's, link velocity, keyword density, etc. That's All Gone! SEO Link Monster will do ALL of the heavy lifting for you. I was reluctant, but now I'm a believer! I only checked it out because of the product creators and their track record. Brad & Matt Callen have numerous products and super customer support. I have several of their products that I use on a regular basis so I speak from experience. And Dori Friend co-created of the Traffic Rockstar super event that was a smash hit. She also is a well known SEO geek and product creator in her own right. She has several private blog networks and offers other SEO services. I met Dori in San Antonio a couple years back. I wish I wasn't such a newbie then and knew enough to pick her brain. But now I have the
benefits of SEO Link Monster.
Is SEO Link Monster the WAVE of the IM future? If I Had a Crystal Ball I think it would say YES! Well, no one can know for sure. But with a hugely successful SEO & Backlinking track record like the Callen brothers and Dori Friend have coupled with the power and the EASE of use SEO Link Monster is gonna be a top SEO backlinking tool. They have a long-standing reputation as IM product creators and they will not let this new product trash their reputation! I am confident that they will provide upgrades and revisions as needed in the future. The price is right, but of course it's going up. If you need backlinks and Google Page 1 exposure.....then get SEO Link Monster now. Or you will regret it when the price goes up.

SEO Link Monster claims Effortless Backlinks and Page 1 on Google. Very bold claims, but does it really produce? I must admit that the sales letter seems to mimic many of the other push-button frauds that hit the net daily. Just register a domain and buy their software and watch the money roll in. There are some differences though. The letter is not blind like so many others. It does make some claims but it provides proof. There are case studies in the product that are solid and very encouraging. It is also different because it is a product of Matt and Brad Callen and Dori Friend. They have put out some great
products and have a solid reputation. I personally own some of their products, and I actually use them in my business. Their customer service is top-notch.
How's SEO Link Monster Different: It is Scalable!!!! SEO LInkvine and other private blog networks work great to give you Top Google Rankings and thus FREE targeted traffic. BUT, they are always limited to a specified number of members or the network would get diluted and each member's Google Juicing power reduced. NOT with SEO Link Monster! This is completely scalable! That means the more members that join makes the system actually Works Better for everyone involved! This one feature is REVOLUTIONARY in SEO Backlink Services -
seobests.com -. Private networks can only allow so many members so if you want in you have to pay big bucks. But SEO Link Monster is affordable for everybody. It's a win-win.
I have been in IM for a few years now and this is the best SEO tool I have used period. I won't be without it! Don't be left behind! Click Here Now! You need to get in on this........you know your competition will. Click Here Now for SEO Link Monster