Oh, dude, cobblers make bank! Like, they can earn anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000 a year, depending on their experience and location. So, if you're thinking of
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Social Network Websites+1
What is 'RT' in Twitter?Asked by Wiki UserRT is the short form of Re Tweet. With this feature,you can forward a tweet by any other person to your followers.Its like forwarding an email or a message. But
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How do you delete videos from your websites?Asked by Wiki UserTo delete videos from your website, you typically need to access the backend or content management system (CMS) of your website. Locate the
specific page or pos
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When does social network become a social media?Asked by Wiki UserA social network becomes social media when it evolves from merely connecting people to enabling the creation, sharing, and exchange of content across platforms.
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Math and 10000 Cheap Private Proxies Arithmetic+4
I have 62 followers on twitter and you follow 38. Which quantity would you have to change and how do I derive the equation to get the two to equal the golden ratio of 1.6180339?
Asked by Wiki UserThe golden ratio is not a ratio of two whole numbers but an irrational number. It is 0.5*(1+sqrt(5)). Because it is irrational you cannot find two whole numbers
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School Subjects+3
How many diagonals are in an octagon 20 or 40 Please explain I've heard they had 40 but when I follow the expression I get 20.?
Asked by Wiki UserThere are 20 diagonals in an octagon.